Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pink Glider!

I did this about a month ago-it's done! I now own a flamingo-pink metal glider! I love the color so much. I want to make everything pink. Well, not really, but you understand. This took 2 coats of primer and 2 and a half cans of spray paint. If you page down a bit here on the ol' blog, you can see what it used to look like. LOVE IT!

New stuff I made...and catch up!

I guess I went on a bit of a hiatus there...just to briefly catch up, the Mad Men Fashion Show on September 18th went swimmingly! Everyone was amazing and we got tons of great feedback for it. It took me about 8 weeks to get it together, and it really showed. This was the best one we've done. I had a lot of last minute help, thank goodness. And my friends as models were incredible-I am so blessed!

Our Halloween Housewarming party on October 30th was fabulous fun too! I had a wild hair and dressed up as Lolita one outside our circle of friends would have known who I was because of all the in-jokes in my costume, though, so it was good that I did it at our own party! We had some out of town guests too-Karen (and her husband) of the blog Bobbins and Bombshells had come in the shop during the day, and on a lark I invited them to the party. I was very pleased that they came, and we had a great time! Goodness, I drank a lot...the next day my mom came into town from central Oregon for a visit. She surprised my son with her visit, and he was stoked! We did the Halloween trick or treating thing and had fun. We spent the week doing a lot of thrifting and messing around. Fun!

Last night, Saturday, Charles Phoenix and his slide show came into town, courtesy of my friend Marshall. If you don't know who he is, go see his site: It is like nothing I have ever seen. HILARIOUS!!!! I made a couple new things for the event, too. The bolero is a 50s pattern, made of vintage light wale red corduroy and lined with red satin. The skirt is also a 50s pattern made of vintage atomic print cotton. I am really rather proud of this outfit, actually! The bolero is going to be made again, I can assure you-it was SO easy!!

So now we are heading into Thanksgiving. I have so many sewing things I want to do and I need to get back on the dreaded eBay. I miss the old eBay so much this time of year-it was pretty magical back about 10 years ago. I used to get so excited for the Christmas selling season. But I am thinking about Etsy and the possibilities there. All things must change, I guess. ;-)